メンバーは畳野彩加(Vo./Gt.)、福田穂那美(Ba./Cho)、福富優樹(Gt.)。これまで台湾やイギリスなどでの海外ツアーや、5度に渡る「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL」への出演など、2012年の結成から精力的に活動を展開。心地よいメロディに、日常のなかにある細やかな描写を紡ぐような歌詞が色を添え、耽美でどこか懐かしさを感じさせる歌声が聞く人の耳に寄り添う音楽で支持を広げている。
2017年からは、イラストレーター・サヌキナオヤ氏と共同で、映画と音楽のイベント「New Neighbors」をスタート。彼女たちがセレクトした映画の上映と映画にちなんだアコースティックライブの二本立てイベントを主催。2019年には映画『リズと青い鳥』、映画『愛がなんだ』の主題歌を担当。Vo畳野は、くるりやASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATIONの楽曲にゲストボーカルで参加するなど、活動の幅を広げている。2021年春IRORI Recordsよりメジャーデビュー、2023年にメジャー2ndアルバム『New Neighbors』をリリース。
2017年からは、イラストレーター・サヌキナオヤ氏と共同で、映画と音楽のイベント「New Neighbors」をスタート。彼女たちがセレクトした映画の上映と映画にちなんだアコースティックライブの二本立てイベントを主催。2019年には映画『リズと青い鳥』、映画『愛がなんだ』の主題歌を担当。Vo畳野は、くるりやASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATIONの楽曲にゲストボーカルで参加するなど、活動の幅を広げている。2021年春IRORI Recordsよりメジャーデビュー、2023年にメジャー2ndアルバム『New Neighbors』をリリース。
Formed in Kyoto, 2012, Homecomings is one of much-talked-about bands in Japanese indie-music scene.
Their music filled with fuzzy & Jangly guitars, catchy & bittersweet dreampop melodies and beautiful vocal harmonies was quickly noticed by Japanese media and they were tipped as “One-to-watch indie band”.
The band’s reputation has been established with memorable shows as supports to The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Mac DeMarco, Norman Blake, Cloud Nothings and Superchunk. Their Japanese festival dates encompassed sets at such like Fujirock Festival. They toured UK for the first time and played 5 cities with Night Flowers April 2019.
Homecomings have Played as support slots to the likes of The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Mac DeMarco, Julien Baker, Norman Blake(Teenage Fanclub), Cloud Nothings and Night Flowers and have appeared at major Japanese festival such like Fuji Rock Festival, Rush Ball and Radio Crazy.
A few of their latest singes, “Songbirds” served as the main theme song to a Kyoto Animation studio's hit Japanimation film, “Liz And The Blue Bird” and "Cakes" was used as the ending theme song for one of the hot topic movies 2019 titled "Ai Ga Nanda".
Their music filled with fuzzy & Jangly guitars, catchy & bittersweet dreampop melodies and beautiful vocal harmonies was quickly noticed by Japanese media and they were tipped as “One-to-watch indie band”.
The band’s reputation has been established with memorable shows as supports to The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Mac DeMarco, Norman Blake, Cloud Nothings and Superchunk. Their Japanese festival dates encompassed sets at such like Fujirock Festival. They toured UK for the first time and played 5 cities with Night Flowers April 2019.
Homecomings have Played as support slots to the likes of The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Mac DeMarco, Julien Baker, Norman Blake(Teenage Fanclub), Cloud Nothings and Night Flowers and have appeared at major Japanese festival such like Fuji Rock Festival, Rush Ball and Radio Crazy.
A few of their latest singes, “Songbirds” served as the main theme song to a Kyoto Animation studio's hit Japanimation film, “Liz And The Blue Bird” and "Cakes" was used as the ending theme song for one of the hot topic movies 2019 titled "Ai Ga Nanda".
成立於2012年。畳野彩加(Vo/Gt)、石田成美(Dr)、福田穂那美(Ba)、福富優樹(Gt) 三女一男組成,以京都為主要活動據點的四人樂團。飄舉80’s~90’s英美氣息的indie-pop曲調,與歌詞相繼落在日常輪廓,繪製出生活場景的各種起伏,猶如電影《七個畢業生》喚起青春記憶的一部詩篇。
過去三次登上日本富士音樂節舞台,並多次擔任海外藝人來日的開場及合作嘉賓(The Pains of Being Pure at Heart / Mac DeMarco / Veronica Falls / Norman Blake(Teenage Fanclub) 等)。今年四月份受邀同英國樂團Night Flowers完成在倫敦、伯明翰、雪菲爾、卡地夫、侯城,共五座城市巡演。
從大學時期聚在一塊分享彼此喜愛的電影,樂團活動開始後,吉他手福富優樹也多次參與MV掌鏡。定期和漫畫家 Naoya Sanuki 共同策劃「New Neighbors」活動,以不插電編制演出結合電影放映,並將各回電影主題和與其他愛好電影音樂人們的訪談集結成實體書冊呈現。
過去三次登上日本富士音樂節舞台,並多次擔任海外藝人來日的開場及合作嘉賓(The Pains of Being Pure at Heart / Mac DeMarco / Veronica Falls / Norman Blake(Teenage Fanclub) 等)。今年四月份受邀同英國樂團Night Flowers完成在倫敦、伯明翰、雪菲爾、卡地夫、侯城,共五座城市巡演。
從大學時期聚在一塊分享彼此喜愛的電影,樂團活動開始後,吉他手福富優樹也多次參與MV掌鏡。定期和漫畫家 Naoya Sanuki 共同策劃「New Neighbors」活動,以不插電編制演出結合電影放映,並將各回電影主題和與其他愛好電影音樂人們的訪談集結成實體書冊呈現。
홈커밍즈(Homecomings)는 일본 교토 출신의 밴드이다. 다다미 아야카(보컬, 기타), 후쿠 토미 유키(기타), 후쿠다 호나미(베이스), 이시다 나루미(드럼)으로 구성되어있다. 2012년 구성된 밴드로 후지록페스티벌에 출연하는 등 인기를 얻고 있다.
2014년 데뷔 앨범, 2016년 두 번째 앨범 을 발표한다. 이어서 2018년 3집 을 발매하며 꾸준히 활동하고 있다.
2014년 데뷔 앨범